About us
The Inspiration
Doxie Photos

Shay Shay, Baby Baby, Stef & MeFrom Front to Back, Left to Right.  Shay Shay May, Baby Baby chewing affectionately on Shay Shay's ear, Stef, and Me.

Stef and MollyThis is my wife Stef with Molly, one of our friends.  I was lucky enough to lasso Stef and talk her into marrying me.  Stef is a Registered Veterinary Technician and has been a doxie lover most all her life.  She is the mother to Sadie (Shay Shay or Shay Shay May), Rascal (Baby Baby), and Olivia (Liv Piv) [Doxies are too cute to have just a name -- they must have nicknames as well].  In addition to being a great mom, she knows just about everything there is to know about dachshund healthcare, nutrition, training, grooming, and everything else.  She will be the brains of this operation.

Well here I am with my dueling bandolero doxies.  The majestic one on the left in the red pouch is Shay Shay May.  The trouble on the right in the green pouch is Baby Baby.  The first time Stef invited me over to dinner, she sent Shay Shay May out to "get" me when I arrived.  Stef didn't anticipate that while I didn't have much wienerdog experience, I did figure the best way to a girls heart was through her dogs.  I had a huge bone.  Shay Shay adopted me immediately.  Shortly thereafter - very shortly - I was hooked.  Basically, I'm just twisted around our little girls paws - yes, it is me against the woman.  The photograph pretty much sums up my skill set.  I'll be the social director.